Secondment at AstraZeneca

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Main lessens learned from short secondment at Translational Medicine department at AstraZeneca R&D specific for GWAS follow-up:

1) #GeneDifferentialExpression analysis via publicly available data on databases like #GEO can be used to verify candidate variant/gene through their up/downregulation in patients compared to the control.

2) General population studies like #CHRISstudy in South Tyrol run by Institute for Biomedicine – Eurac Research may provide valuable info on #pharmodynamics of a candidate gene, whether it:

Special thanks to Anna R. and her untiring team for all the precious trainings and to TrainCKDis ITN for bringing us together.


Gothenburg, Sweden.


Well, consequitive 5 days between 27 March - 3 April, 2023.